7th August 2023
NHS England ‘Help Us Help You – Cancer Barriers’ campaign, which is due to launch on Monday 4th September 2023.
The campaign aims to help increase earlier diagnosis of cancer by encouraging people who are experiencing potential signs of cancer to contact their GP practice. As part of our localised activity, we are hoping to deliver free face-to-face Cancer Champion awareness session to community groups, such as Men’s Sheds, as the training includes:
the importance of knowing what is normal for you
the early signs and symptoms of cancer
how to talk about cancer and the importance of early diagnosis with family and friends
We are also organising some community engagement stands at local venues, such as shopping centres and markets, to raise awareness of the campaigns key messages. To help draw people’s attention to the stands and to highlight the importance of being able to ‘spot the difference’ if something is unusual, unexplained and persistent for you, we would like to display two or three freestanding mirrors when speaking with members of the public. One of the mirrors would show someone’s true reflection and the other one or two mirrors would show a distorted reflection – similar to the ones used at a funfair.
If you are interested in having a shed session please contact Sarah Rowland sarah.rowland4@nhs.net or BORRILL, Lizzie (NHS HUMBER AND NORTH YORKSHIRE ICB - 03K) lizzie.borrill@nhs.net